Current sailing activities & facilities


You will be well aware of the recent announcements from the Government regarding Covid and the decision to implement step 4 of the roadmap from Monday 19 July.

Whilst this is good news, could I please emphasise the continuing need for caution as cases remain high and we wish to look after all our members.

We all still need to be cautious in our approach to our activities at the club, remaining to take care not to spread the virus.

Please do not come to the club if you have any symptoms and avoid larger groups or crowds where possible. We are lucky that we are in the summer at the moment so our suggestion remains to change at home if possible and try to remain inside for as little time as possible.

The Track and Trace QR code will remain in place on the gate for the time being and we urge that this is still used each time you come to the club until such time as things become clearer on the use of this.

Your obligations and Covid mitigations remain unchanged from last year.  These are:

  • Do not leave home / come to the club if you or anyone in your household has symptoms or are within the period of self-isolation.
  • Please consider your risk if extremely clinically vulnerable to coronavirus (Covid-19)
  • Whilst at the club, please consider the risk and strictly adhere to the rules particularly social distancing and hygiene
  • Sanitising stations will be set up around the site to allow you to disinfect your hands and your contact/touch points.
  • First aid box is in the workshop. Inform the OD if present and make a note of any incidents. If no OD is present, please pass these to
  • If after visiting the club you contract Covid-19, you must email so that others can be warned and isolate appropriately.