If you don’t have your own dinghy, windsurfer or SUP, we have a selection of equipment for hire to club members at very reasonable prices. This includes the club’s Lasers, Solo, Comet and one Vision for hire . See here for youth dinghy hire.
The single handers are £10 and the Vision is £20 (a booking fee will also apply). Hire fees include the cost of berthing and insurance.
How to Hire with our Pay & Play scheme
- You must be a Club Member
- You must have RYA Level 1&2 or equivalent experience to hire any of our sailing dinghies.
- On days when there is no official safety cover you MUST arrange a buddy who could effect a rescue if needed.
- If it is the first time you have hired a particular boat please contact the person listed to ensure you have instruction for where the equipment is stored and how the boat should be rigged.
- Unless stated otherwise, booking is done via the Eventbrite website: Book here
- Enter the password: ‘boathire’.
- Follow the instructions on the Eventbrite website
We have two Comets available for day hire via our Pay & Play scheme, see instructions at the top of the page. The Comet is a single handed boat suitable for sailors up to 70kg. It has an uncluttered cockpit with rear mainsheet control of a 6.5 sqm unbattened sail that is simple to rig on an unstayed mast. The hull and deck is manufactured from glass reinforced plastic. Suitable for beginners and intermediates who may find the Laser a bit of a handful. Pay & Play for a day for £10 (plus booking fee).


We have four Lasers for daily hire to members via our Pay & Play scheme, see instructions at the top of the page. The Lasers have radial rigs, ideal for helms of most weights. Pay & Play for a day for £10 (plus booking fee).
For any questions the Laser hire contact is Martin Rides.
We have one competitive GRP/FRP solo for hire to club members via our Pay & Play scheme, see instructions at the top of the page. The Solo is a single handed boat suitable for sailors of 63kg or more. It has a powerful fully battened rig and is responsive to sail. This is an ideal boat to progress your racing experience. Pay & Play for a day for £10 (plus booking fee).
More information about the Littleton Solo fleet.
The Solo hire contact for any questions is Simon Derham.


The Vision is a two-person boat and is the primary boat we use for our training courses. One Vision is available to hire via our Pay & Play scheme, see instructions at the top of the page.
It is a great introduction to asymmetric sailing for sailors of all levels, and is ideal for competitive racing or cruising with enough room for the whole family! Pay & Play for £20 per day (plus booking fee).
Four month hire is also available for the Visions at £200. The allocated boat would be reserved for you except for training and promotional use.
The Vision hire contact is Martin Rides. It is important that you contact him before booking the day-hire Vision for the first time and please consult the Vision Rigging Instructions (PDF).
Youth Dinghies
- Picos (Single sail, 4 available): £10 per day (plus booking fee)


Our newly acquired Mistral windsurf board & sail available for hire to club members via our Pay & Play scheme, see instructions at the top of the page.
The fee is £10 per day (plus booking fee).
If you have any questions please contact the hire team.
Stand up Paddleboard
We have three inflatable stand up paddleboards available for hire to club members via our Pay & Play scheme, see instructions at the top of the page.
The Two Bare Feet boards are suitable for all riders, whilst the Freeride 9.8ft is suitable for riders under 70kg.
The fee is £7 per half day (plus booking fee). Costs cover insurance and use of paddle and ankle leash.
If you have any questions please contact the hire team.